Security is an essential issue of networked systems. In this context, we studied the design of resilient communication network, such that the overall system performs well, even though there is a malicious entity which attacks the communication network by cutting/jamming a number of links (see the paper “Network Design in the Presence of a Link Jammer: a Zero-Sum Game Formulation”). This work can be extended in several directions. For example, there is a multitude of possible attacks (e.g., false data injection), against which the communications should be secure.
I believe that the security question is fundamental for autonomous interacting systems. Furthermore, communications in multi-agent Cyber-Physical Systems are both affected by and affect the autonomous agents’ dynamics. Thus, an interesting research question is the joint design of the communications and the control laws for interacting autonomous systems, with a particular focus on security issues.
For this research, I cooperated with Professor G.P. Papavassilopoulos, from NTUA.